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Floral Still Life Painting with Color & Feeling Master Class!
Welcome & Course Overview
Welcome to Bold Expressive Painting Workshops online! (1:29)
Course Overview
Bienvenidos my studio & to Floral Still Life Painting! (1:05)
Thoughts on Learning to Paint
What is Expressive Painting?
Quick History of Expressive Painting (4:23)
Annie's Expressive Paintings (1:17)
Language of Painting-Elements & Principles of Art
What to Paint? Finding & Tracking Inspiration
Finding & Tracking Inspiration Overview
Start Your Painting Notes Now! (2:42)
Create a Color/Pattern Library (1:21)
Flowers for Florals! (1:05)
Setting Up to Paint
Basic Materials for Acrylic Painting
Organize your workspace (4:17)
Choose Your Surface (1:25)
Get the Right Brushes! Very Important! (1:28)
DEMO: Set Up a Still Life (1:24)
BONUS VIDEO! How NOT to let your paint dry out! (1:36)
Color: The Language of Expressive Painting
Color Overview (5:49)
DEMO: Three "No-fail" Color Schemes (5:26)
DEMO: Exercises to Learn More about Color Mixing (1:57)
DEMO: Avoiding "Mud" or creating it when you need it! (3:53)
HANDOUT: Quick History of Color in Painting
7 Step Painting Method
7 Step Method of Painting Overview (1:57)
Step 1: Underpainting (0:39)
Step 2: Draw Your Map (3:34)
Step 3: Blocking In (3:13)
Step 4: More Paint, More Variations (2:51)
Step 5: Analyze & Step 6: Fix (2:46)
Step 7: Add the "Jewelry"-Detail is always last! (0:56)
HANDOUT: 7 Step Painting Method
BONUS: Painting Words to Live By (0:49)
Critiquing Your Own Work & "Magic Fixes"
Critiquing Your Work
DEMO: Magic Fix #1-Negative Shape Painting (5:50)
DEMO: Magic Fix #2-Transparent Glazing (4:10)
DEMO: Glazing a "so-so" Painting (20:42)
Paint Along #1: Paint a Monochromatic Floral/Stilllife
Photo References-Monochromatic Green Painting
Monochromatic Painting Steps 1-6 (10:35)
Step 7: Pattern/Detail-Monochromatic Painting (2:13)
PAINT ALONG #2: Paint an Analogous Floral/Stilllife
Photo References Analogous Purple/Blue Painting
Analogous Purple/Blue/Green Painting Steps 1-5 (7:02)
Analogous Purple/Blue/Green Painting Steps 6 & 7 (7:21)
PAINT ALONG #3: Paint a Complementary Floral/Stilllife
Photo References-Complementary Red/Green Painting
Red/Green Floral Still Life: STEPS 1-7 (10:13)
Paint Along #4: Purple/Yellow Tulips-every step of the way!
Inspiration, Setup,Steps 1-3: Underpaint, Map, Block In (37:22)
Purple/Yellow Tulips Step 4: More paint, more variation (49:50)
Purple/Yellow Tulips Step 5: Evaluate (3:25)
Purple/Yellow Tulips Step 6: Fix Issues (32:53)
Purple/Yellow Tulips Step 7: Add Jewelry (Details) (13:57)
DEMO: Finishes-Varnish (3:22)
DEMO: Finishes-Cold Wax (3:13)
DEMO: Finishes-Clear Leveling Gel (2:05)
BONUS VIDEO: Signing Your Paintings (2:46)
BONUS VIDEO: Take a Matisse Break! (1:06)
BONUS VIDEO: Georgia O'Keeffe's Flowers (5:47)
Acrylic Painting Words to Live By!
What does it take to Learn to Paint?
Why is it hard to let go of realism?
Try Glazing to Create Depth! (2:09)
Copyright Issues for Artists
Copyright Definitions & "Fair Use"
Best Practice Code for Artists
Annie's Expressive Paintings
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